Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Look by Sophia Bennett

Ever thought you had the potential to be a world class super model?

The Look, by Sophia Bennett is about two sisters, Ted and Ava, both completely different but still best friends.

 Ava is really into always looking great, whereas Ted isn't fussed on what brands she wears. When Ted gets picked by a modelling agency, Ava is very happy for her, but thinks it may be a scam and tells her she shouldn’t go for it.
 When Ted sees the modelling agencies logo in a magazine, she is overly excited, but not around her parents who are too busy worrying about Ava's new found Cancer illness. She tells Ava and she says Ted to try it out. So the next week they lie to their parents saying they are going shopping, then they seek off for an interview.

Ted is my favourite character in the book. She is a quiet girl at school, who has friends but doesn't mind being alone. I like  how she is very humble and doesn't like to be the centre of the attention. So when the rumour goes around that she is becoming a model, she finds herself contantly surrounded by people, but she is really selfless, and doesn't want to be the centre of attention, so she just says she isn't a model.
I personally admire the way she thinks of her sister as her friend, and the way she doesnt mind being alone. I unstand how hard it would be for her to keep up the lies, because she begins to spend more and more time away from school and her family, for her modelling, which people start to question her about.

I like the way she makes friends through her modeling, such as her photographer friend, Nick, who she becomes increasingly close with over their friendship. He is really nice to her sister and Ava when she has boyfriend issues, he helps her out. 

I like the way Ted always puts her family before her fame, and how she would prefer to be with her sister at home, then on a catwalk in New York. Although this effects things for her modelling, she still would rather be with her family. 
In this book, the main question asked is, Can she be a top model and an awesome, caring sister as well!?


  1. Love the book review great job!

  2. I love this! I especially love how you described the character Ted and all the reasons that makes her one of your favorite characters. Love it Sophie <3
